Maintenance & Assessments
Hinton Bike Park, AB - Jump Lines

Ensuring Performance & Safety

Hoots Ltd. carries out maintenance on our Bike Parks, Pump Tracks & Trails on an annual and semi-annual basis. With traffic and weathering, regular upkeep is key for long-term sustainability, safety and risk management. As such, we perform routine work on top of delivering our Maintenance Manual and training & education services that enable communities the capacity to care for their facility. We also provide assistance to other operations with comprehensive site reviews and evaluation, recommended actions and engagement of our services when called on. Our maintenance and assessments cover a range of tasks, including but not limited to those outlined below.

Professional Maintenance Services

With our trained, experienced staff & specialized equipment, we expertly work to ensure your Bike Park, Pump Track &/or Trails remain safe & fun through the following services:

  • Brushing / clearing of organics, rocks & debris
  • Re-establishing drainage / water flow
  • Repair / re-establish ride lines & surfaces
  • Re-use / sourcing of available local materials
  • Reshape / tune features to performance intent
  • Ensure safety & long-term sustainability
  • Test riding, evaluation & addressing of any issues
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Hinton Bike Park, AB - Mulch Jump

Site Assessments & Service Quotes

We also have the ability to assist & service other bike project facilities that can include:

  • Site reconnaisance & review of overall facility
  • Evaluating features, conditions & performance
  • Detailed service quote with cost breakdown
  • Maintenance services & site improvements
  • Research of local materials, resources & options
  • Assessment Report with Recommendations
  • Exploring potential redevelopment strategies
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(B. Langford)

Maintenance Resources

Our project clients receive As-Built drawings and a customized Maintenance & Operations Manual with Checklist of items to monitor. These invaluable resources provide a step-by-step guide for staff and communities to carry out basic essential maintenance. Meanwhile, the required critical technical services are taken up by Hoots Ltd. as experienced builders and specialists in the field to ensure proper tune-up of features / components for safety and design performance.

3 F Maintenance Resources covers shot July 24

Leader in Bike Facility Maintenance & Sustainability