Bike Skills Parks
Cold Lake Bike Park & Trails, AB


Our Bike Parks provide a welcome mat to mountain biking for all ages and rider levels. Integrating progression-based features in a dynamic self-taught setting, our projects incorporate a variety of riding zones and components. With dirt jumps and pump tracks to Flow line trails, start / return hills with technical drops to wood-rock skills and balance areas, our riding facilities and elements are methodically designed and laid out to create a fun, safe, managed recreational experience.

2018 Brantford Riders RW to Start Hill

Brantford Rotary Bike Park, ON (R.Weaver)

Planning & Community

We recognize the importance of engaging the client and community in local Bike Park development, garnering insight and input towards project design and programming, and providing opportunity for public / private partnerships, non-profit, volunteer and club involvement. From public outreach and surveys to organized workshops, alongside providing professional consultation services, we work closely with the community to develop a responsive design that corresponds to the project budget, size and scope.

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Brantford Rotary Bike Park - Design-Build, ON

Design & Construction

Responding to project criteria, background research, site evaluation and community input, our Bike Parks enable riders of all levels and abilities to engage, practice and challenge their skills within a fun, planned environment. Drawing from our ‘Best Practices’ guidelines and specifications, we ensure sustainable development and construction in adherence to performance and safety standards while integrating with the landscape, natural features and existing facilities.

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Devon Bike Park - Jumps Maintenance, AB

Post Construction & Maintenance

We have long standing relationships with our clients and for many projects, return to carry out further development activity &/or regular maintenance services to assure safety and long-term sustainability. Our follow-up As-Built drawings and detailed Maintenance Manual provide guidelines to manage the facility and ensure the Bike Park is performing to its’ design intent. Together with training & education services for staff and volunteers, these help facilitate local involvement, sense of ownership and ongoing care of the facility.

See Gallery & Project Map links below for more info!